Apples and a picnic bench
Its been a busy week! We have harvested all the remaining dwarf french beans, and cleared the whole bed. We put down mypex to stop the...

Finishing the squash harvest
This week we have harvested all the remaining squash and pumpkins. We filled the trailer and then the tractor pulled it down to the...

The courgette that got away
On Monday this week we discovered a courgette that had grown into a huge marrow. It weighed just under 6 pounds. How did we not notice it...

Sunshine, potatoes and apples
This week we have taken advantage of some sunny weather to do more outside, and less in the polytunnel. We have dug up all the rest of...

Sweetcorn for lunch!
Today we harvested 4 ripe sweetcorn and cooked them for our lunch! It was a nice moment in the middle of another wet Monday! We also...

A day of harvesting (and a bit of weeding!)
Today we harvested a huge amount of crops. We dug some potatoes, picked climbing french beans, tomatoes (from the polytunnel and...

An unusual cosmos flower!
Today we had a group of people visiting the field, picking fruit and flowers. One of the visitors found this two coloured flower in...

Sunhats needed!
Monday and Tuesday were really hot and all of us needed sunhats and lots of drinks! We harvested all the remaining lettuce and picked...

A busy week!
Its been a busy week at the field. On Sunday we had about 200 visitors to look around the Sheffield Organic Growers site, on a very hot...

Our first Blackcurrants
Yesterday we picked our first blackcurrants from the Fruitery. There were so many! We also harvested some lettuce and lots more flowers....