Heat and more strawberries!
On Monday the heat was extreme! About 28 degrees outside, and over 40 degrees in the polytunnel. We did a lot of watering and needed to...
First strawberries
This week we found our first ripe strawberries. On Tuesday we found a handful, which we ate on the spot (!) but today we managed to pick...
Thank goodness we have a polytunnel!
On Monday it rained almost all day, but we were nice and dry in our polytunnel. Our first Cosmos flowers are out, and everything is...
Pears and Leeks
Today the sun has been shining and its been hot - inside the polytunnel and outside on the field. We have done a lot of watering and...
Finally it rained!
After days of warm dry weather, it finally rained on Monday and Tuesday. The ground is desperate for rain so it was very welcome,...
Sowing and planting all day!
Yesterday we had a really busy day. We sowed and planted in the polytunnel, and outside in one of the larger beds. We planted out our...
This week we have been planting squash seeds and spreading compost! We planted 98 squash seeds on Monday and 70 on Tuesday. There are...
Mypex and more mypex
This week we have been laying down mypex around the whole site. On top of the mypex there will be an electric fence to keep the badgers...
christmas trees and rhubarb
This week we have harvested over 10 kilos of the forced rhubarb. Its amazing how quickly it has grown under the black buckets. We have...
Planting pear trees
This week we have planted two new pear trees, to replace ones which broke in a storm last year. It will be about 5 years before they have...