Parsley and Potatoes!
We have been harvesting lots of lots of rhubarb, parsley and lettuce. The broad beans are also nearly ready and our first Sweet William...

Happy New Year - time to prune the blackcurrants and clean the polytunnel!
Today was cold (4 degrees) but sunny! We started pruning the blackcurrants, and finished one of the rows. We also washed half of the...

Apple Day, melons and potatoes
On Sunday we have our annual Apple Day, 11-3. There will be apples to try, tours of the fruitery, apple tasting, apple juicing etc. Come...

Apple harvesting
We have harvested lots of apples this week. Its been windy so we were trying to pick all the varieties that are ready before they get...

A busy day harvesting!
Yesterday we had a bumper harvest! We picked climbing french beans, runner beans, tomatoes, courgettes, cucumbers, calabrese, squash and...

The broad bean saga
Its been the month of the broad bean saga. Three times badgers have got into the polytunnel at night and eaten the broad beans. Sadly...

The woodland path
We have been working hard on creating a woodland path. The bluebells are out and the path has just made it through to the Fruitery... now...

Our first rhubarb
Yesterday we uncovered the rhubarb. We had it covered over the winter to "force" it. We harvested 3 kilos. It was a lovely dry day, and...

Potatoes as far as the eye can see!
Yesterday we planted the first potatoes. The soil was prepared first using the tractor and then we planted 3 different varieties,...

Some brief sun last week!
We had some sun last week and managed to plant 3 apple trees, from our tree nursery. The small red watering can in the photo has diluted...