Growing Experience
What do we do when its wet?

We check the weather forecast every day, and try to keep our indoor jobs for the wet days!
When its raining we have jobs to do inside the polytunnel, like sowing seeds, transplanting seedlings and weeding and harvesting.
We also keep our apple juice labelling for wet days. All our apple juice bottles need a label sticking on and packing up in boxes of 6. We do this inside the barn.
We use rainy days to do woodwork projects like making bird boxes and we use the woodwork bench which we made ourselves!
We also make paper plant pots from old newspaper.

What do we do when it's cold?
Over the years we have realised that on cold days it is best to keep moving!
When it's really cold we try to do jobs like moving wood chip and compost. We also relayer our compost heaps.
Sometimes if it's cold we go for a walk to visit our neighbours organic farm or the nearby national trust meadow.
All supported volunteers are asked to bring warm clothing, but we also keep spare fleeces, gloves, socks and hats for anyone who needs an extra layer. We even have hot water bottles if anyone needs one when we stop for tea breaks.
We have a large new barn and inside a new tea break space. We will use this on wet or really cold days.

We try not to cancel but if the roads are too dangerous we will let everyone know early on the morning. We do not charge if we cancel.