Spring has arrived!
The daffodils are flowering in the Fruitery and the Cherry Plum blossom is out. Yesterday we put mulch mats around some of the smaller...

Yesterday we built a new compost heap using 3 old pallets. We then put old kale stalks, old comfrey and some wood chip into it. Even...

Forcing the Rhubarb
On Thursday we weeded the Rhubarb bed. Then we covered some of the Rhubarb with black buckets to force them. The stones on the top are to...

Gooseberry bushes
Yesterday was another wet day on the field! We pulled up old leeks from two outside beds, in the rain, and then put mypex down in the...

The gloves moved in!
The polytunnel is progressing well. We have started work on the raised beds. The plastic has been cut away from the door frames - so we...

Sunshine and Polythene
On Monday the conditions were just right - sunshine and not much wind - to put the polythene over the new polytunnel. Firstly we had to...

Putting up the hoops in the sunshine
Yesterday started with frost on the field, icy puddles and then finally some sunshine! We managed to erect the hoops onto the new...

Measuring and more measuring!
The polytunnel kit arrived, and we have started putting it together. Yesterday we spent several hours measuring to make sure we had the...

Raining again!
Another wet day on the field! As well as weeding one of the polytunnels, we have chosen the vegetables and flowers we want to grow this...

Sunshine and looking forward to spring!
Early in December we made 2 new planters outside one of the polytunnels. We used 4 old car tyres and filled them with compost. Then we...